I bought my first Dend about a week ago, and i have a few questions that i hope someone will bee kind to help me with?
Sadly i dont know the name, if someone happens to recognize it, i would be so happy!
I understand theres several kinds of Dend, six types... And i do belive mine is a hard one(?) Is this right?
How do they grow, can i expect new leafs from the top of the old cane where the flower-steem was? Or do they grow new canes like the Oncidium? Do they bloom from the same cane several times, or does it have to grow new canes to re-bloom?
Does it shed old leafs?
I have read the care-sheets, and understand that they need a winter-rest. But do they need the same amount of brigth light all year round?
And last... I repotted the Dend. into S/H five days ago, and soon after the flowers wiltered and some leafs turned yellow. To give her back some strenght to recover, i cut the flower-steem. Then i discovered some kind of "node" beside the cut flower-steem. What is this?
Pics of the Dend. just after i got it.

Pics of the "node" to the right beside the flower-steem.