Hi everyone!
I've got two dendrobiums (Dendrobium Sanok and Dendrobium Stardust 'Chiyomi') and I'm pretty sure they're both cool types. They've been in my bedroom window in almost full sun since I got them (Sanok a couple of months and Starburst a week), my room's really bright and when I came back from holiday my Sanok had a yellowing leaf which I assumed was due to too much sun/heat so I moved them downstairs to somewhere less sunny. The leaf is now more yellow and I'm assuming it will drop off.
It only has two flowers left now so when do I need to rest it?
Is it normal for the leaves to yellow and drop off?
How much sun do they need?
I've got some orchid focus fertiliser (Bloom and Growth) which should I use at different times of the year/times of growth?
Is there anything else I should know?
Many Thanks,