I recently received a Den laevifolium
Orchid of the Week Library: Dendrobium laevifolium and decided to have a look in internet for tips on how to grow this species. I had came to the idea of trying to use NZ Sphagnum and put it next to my Neofinetias and Sedireas (so that they have similar watering ritmus), but found this link
Dendrobium Aussie's Hi-Lo '#1' on Flickr - Photo Sharing! where one of its hybrids (Dendrobium cuthbertsonii x Dendrobium laevifolium) seems to be grown on living moss (does not look like Sphag). It looks very cool

Does any of you guys have experience with this kind of culture in Dendros? What about any tips fro growing den laevifolium succesfully?