I am growing my orchid collection indoors in two Milsbo cabinets with a few of these little dens, and want some more! Please enable me with some recommendations of ones I should check out!
I currently have:
* D. bensoniae
* D. fanjingshanense
* D. jinghuanum
* D. shixingense
They are great because they stay little but have good-sized colorful blooms.
Some I'm looking at are D. xichouense, D. guangxiense (syn. scoriarum) and D. huoshanense. I saw that Tropical Exotique has the xichouense which is verrrrry tempting!
I really hope these guys become popular in the next several years because they are PERFECT for people growing in cabinets or windowsills.
I see that Roberta has a few of these, I hope she can chime in on how they work for her! (I'm not sure how to tag a person on this board)
Last edited by Hazeldazel; Yesterday at 04:19 PM..
Also check out Epigeneium ... Egm. nakaharae blooms several time a year. Annual but still really nice, Egm. fargesii, Egm. triflorum, Egm. clemensiae. (They're lumped into Dendrobium now. I'm not changing my tags)
Roberta, thank you sooooo much for the rec to Hengduan! Wow, they got a LOT of cool stuff! I have never heard of Epigeneium so thank you for the enabling! Wow, your bensoniae is amazeballs!