Diplocaulobium (Dendrobium) aratriferum
It produces the occasional flower fairly often, a couple of times of year produces a lovely flush bloom, with the fragrance of watermelon. Flowers are sooo ephemeral. Blink and you'll miss the show. The buds appear almost out of nowhere, they started about 2 days ago, yesterday there were lots of them. This morning, at 8 am the buds were still closed but had reached their full size. By 9:30 or 10 AM they were fully open (and I grabbed my photos). At 3 PM, they're already starting to close, by sunset they'll be done.
If the purpose of a flower is to get pollinated, this is speed-dating! The pollinator (whatever it is) must be very short-lived, and in nature maybe provides some sort of trigger. In "captivity", no idea what triggers the blooming. (I have made many guesses, but none has correlated with any consitency.)