Ok, probably about a year ago, I got a small Dendrobium friedericksianum x nobile. A growth cycle has completed and a new one is beginning on it.
It seems very happy, as long as I remember to keep it moist...a bit less happy if I let it dry a couple of days (in moss).
What I was actually wondering about, as I have little to no nobile dendrobium experience, is that it seems to have well exploded? I have at least 4 or 5 active new growths on it now. I'm pretty sure it was a single growing point when I got it. I know this is a good thing, lots of growth is usually equal to good conditions. But it looks almost like a tiny bush now. Due to it's happiness with fairly high moisture, when would you suggest a move to bark media?
Whole plant is perhaps four inches high, still quite small, though I am expecting six inches out of the new growths
Picture attached since you might need it