If it was in full bloom 3 months ago, its seasons have been messed with. (Easy to do in Hawai'i) So I would be inclined to treat it according to the current season in your location - water, fertilize no matter what it is doing now. And no worries about the keikis... they can bloom too if left attached to the plant (next spring). If they get big roots, maybe separate and pot them up eventually if you want to, but no need. Day length a spring turns to summer to fall will help it "figure out" the time of year. Stop fertilizing in the late summer/early fall, at which point you will reduce ( but not eliminate) watering. If you can let it get a bit of a chill in fall and winter (perhaps put near a window) that will also help set its calendar for spring blooms.
Last edited by Roberta; 05-20-2023 at 06:47 PM..