A few days ago, a number of Walsh hybrid speciosums were posted on ebay [an unexpected, but very welcome end of the year surprise here in the US
] Unfortunately, the descriptions accompanying plants are very brief--most of them, so far as I can tell are divisions from Walsh's 2014 & 2015 hybridizations. For those of you that don't know Gerry Walsh, a lot of his breeding is centered on intervarietal Dendrobium speciosum hybridization, usually with an end aim of reducing plant size while maintaining floral count, substance and color saturation. I thought it would be helpful to pass along both links to his hybrid lists & the current speciosum cultivar notes, in case anybody is curious--I think only SVO and H&R are currently doing any sort of breeding with Aussie Natives here in the US, with little [if any] focus on straight speciosum breeding. Have a look if you're curious:
Current Speciosum Cultivars
Walsh 2015 Hybrids