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Old 09-08-2021, 03:48 PM
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Dendrobium Seedlings Need Your Help Female
Default Dendrobium Seedlings Need Your Help

My List of my Dendrobiums
Burana Jade x Emaron Gold
Genting Red
New Burana
Woo Lung ' Blue Lip'
Marcophyllum Sulawesi shiraishii ' Spot'
'Touch of Peach'
'Two Tone Zane'
'Everlasting Love'
'New Hope Mini'
Spring Dream 'Apollon' (I know this is a nobile)
Sea Mary' Snow King' (I know this is a nobile)
Formosum Vargiganteum
Yellow with Pink Lip
Jacquelyn Thomas 'Uniwai Supreme'

My question is how long do I treat them as seedlings and do not give them a winter rests on the ones that will need it? Which ever ones they are. At this point I know the two nobiles I mentioned will need the winters rest as they become larger.
If you can give me any care instructions please do. Thanks You
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Old 09-08-2021, 04:22 PM
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You have a lot of different kinds of Dendrobiums with different requirements. Some when adult want to be evenly warm and moist all year. Others prefer to be much cooler in winter. If they're still small enough you think of them as seedlings it's probably best to keep watering them well. I don't have time this moment for more detailed advice but I'll come back.
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Old 09-08-2021, 04:39 PM
Shadeflower Shadeflower is offline

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Dendrobium Seedlings Need Your Help

my rule of thumb with dendrobium is once they have 6 leaves per cane they are no longer seedlings.

Some varieties will produce much more than 6 leaves but that is a good general rule for me.

So 4 leaves per cane = seedling.

6+ = possibly mature

Now obviously the older canes will not grow new leaves so it is once the newest cane has hit 6 leaves that it is starting to become mature.

I believe in providing dendrobiums with seasons via light, they need to know what time of year it is even if they don't get a cold winter so in summer 14+ hours of light, spring and autumn = 12 hours and winter (3 months) = 10 hours of light per day.

If you grow them under natural sunlight the sun does this automatically so you wouldn't have to think about it much.

Last edited by Shadeflower; 09-08-2021 at 04:42 PM..
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Old 09-08-2021, 05:51 PM
Cntry Cntry is offline
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Originally Posted by estación seca View Post
You have a lot of different kinds of Dendrobiums with different requirements. Some when adult want to be evenly warm and moist all year. Others prefer to be much cooler in winter. If they're still small enough you think of them as seedlings it's probably best to keep watering them well. I don't have time this moment for more detailed advice but I'll come back.
Thank you so much. I will be happy to learn about each of them as I cant seem to find to much yet but a few pictures.

I just purchased them in the last few months and they are outside in my plastic type greenhouse. with 40% shade cloth over the top. On the side I have a sheer curtain hanging where I have a Phalaenopsis my daughter had at her work before they relocated to a new area and office complex. She is the one that got me back into orchids and said mom get a few seedlings and try again.

As you all know no one can purchase just one seedling as orchids are addictive. Someone told me once they were easy to grow. So here I am trying to learn about all the things they will need and what I will need to give them so they will grow and survive like they should.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Shadeflower View Post
my rule of thumb with dendrobium is once they have 6 leaves per cane they are no longer seedlings.

Some varieties will produce much more than 6 leaves but that is a good general rule for me.

So 4 leaves per cane = seedling.

6+ = possibly mature

Now obviously the older canes will not grow new leaves so it is once the newest cane has hit 6 leaves that it is starting to become mature.

I believe in providing dendrobiums with seasons via light, they need to know what time of year it is even if they don't get a cold winter so in summer 14+ hours of light, spring and autumn = 12 hours and winter (3 months) = 10 hours of light per day.

If you grow them under natural sunlight the sun does this automatically so you wouldn't have to think about it much.
Thank You, I have them outside right now but will bring them inside as the temps get colder I have a case I will be placing them in and adjusting the lights on a timer to go on and off. I have the case next to a window as well. So the window can be opened if needed. Thank you for telling me about your rule of thumb with using 6 leaves. Once I hit that mark I will begin to give them the winter rest some of them will need.
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Old 09-08-2021, 09:52 PM
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What size pots are the plants in?

I fixed the way some of the names were written. It's easier to find information if the names are written correctly. A lot of vendors don't pay attention to this.

The following are Dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrids, some including ancestors from other groups of Dens, but all taking similar care. I didn't look up each of your plants. They do well with even warm temperatures and watering all year. It is OK if they just get dry between waterings but don't let them stay dry for long.
Den. (Burana Jade x Emaron Gold)
Den. New Burana
Den. Two Tone Zane
Den. Woo Leng ' Blue Lip'
Den. Everlasting Love
Den. New Hope Mini
Den. Jacquelyn Thomas 'Uniwai Supreme'
Den. Touch of Peach
Den. Yellow with Pink lip - I'm guessing this belongs with the ones above.

Den. formosum, Den. macrophyllum, Den. shiraishii and Den. tangerinum are in different groups but take almost the same care as Den. phal hybrids. However, they would prefer never to dry out. During warm weather some people stand the pots in shallow dishes of water to make sure this doesn't happen. In cooler seasons let them get almost dry.
Den. formosum variety (or var.) giganteum
Den. macrophyllum [Sulawesi is where it's from]
Den. shiraishii ' Spot'

Dendrobium nobile hybrid have a particular seasonal growth pattern that needs to be respected in order to flower in the spring. But small seedlings should not be forced to flower. Water them all winter.

A Japanese company called Yamamoto hybridizes a lot of these. They formerly had a Hawaii division that had growing information in English on the Web site. It is gone now, but you can see an archived version on the Wayback Machine:

Yamamoto Dendrobiums: Caring

Yamamoto Dendrobiums: Hints

Briefly, they can be grown and flowered with full sets of leaves. It is neither necessary nor helpful to withhold water in winter to the point they drop leaves. Avoiding fertilizer after later summer, and cool winter nights, are what promotes flowering. Withholding water through the winter easily kills them.
Den. Spring Dream 'Apollon' (I know this is a nobile)
Den. Sea Mary' Snow King' (I know this is a nobile)

Den. kingianum likes warmth and lots of water during the growing season. In order to flower, during winter, it likes to have extremely bright light, and very low night temperatures, 50 degrees F or below. It will be OK to down near freezing. If it's not given enough winter light, nor kept cool enough, it won't flower. Some people stop watering all winter, but plants growing outside in southern California may get lots of rain. They still flower because the bright light and low temperatures are what are important for flowering. Unfortunately they can be difficult to flower in cold-winter areas because it's hard to give enough light with cool enough temperatures.

You can look up ancestry on It will show you all the species in the ancestry. Eventually you will learn which Dens belong to which group and you'll be able to predict what kind of care they need.
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Last edited by estación seca; 09-09-2021 at 02:00 AM..
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Old 09-09-2021, 01:07 PM
Cntry Cntry is offline
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estación seca

Thank you so much for the great information. I have them in the small 2 inch pots that they came in. They are in Bark and perlite orchid mix they came in. Since they are seedlings and small I left them in what they arrived in till I see growth next Spring. Some only have two leaves on them. I am watering with a little of added Kelpmax from Rays. They are getting that extra every other watering. I also added a weak strength of Orchid Plus orchid food 20-14-13 with no Urea into my water. Once every other watering they get the fertilizer and the other they get the Kelp and last week they get water to rinse everything left behind out of the pot.

---------- Post added at 12:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

Den. Yellow with Pink lip - "I'm guessing this belongs with the ones above." No it doesn't, I just think its may be a noid since it has no name just that on a tag when I got it. What ever it will be I just hope it blooms for me one day and I don't end up killing it some how.
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Old 11-19-2022, 07:12 PM
c123anderson c123anderson is offline
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Dendrobium Seedlings Need Your Help Female

Estación, as always, you have great information.

I have a number of plants with names but no information about hybrids. (Example: I found this thread searching for hybrid information about my Den. Everlasting Love.)

As I'm gaining my knowledge about how to care for my orchid collection, I'm finding I need to know more about my orchids other than their name.

Is there a good place to find this information?
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Old 11-19-2022, 08:50 PM
Relemitty Relemitty is offline

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Jacquelyn Thomas 'Uniwai Supreme' is a Den-Phal or a Phalaenanthe.
This orchid is still a Dendrobium despite the name.
This one is considered easy to grow by Dendrobium standards.
No winter rest and keeps leaves all year long.
Bright light but not really direct sun.
Will grow big with 4 foot canes and will bloom almost year round.
This is a cross between a Den. bigibbum var. superbum 50.0% x Dendrobium gouldii 50.0 %

Edit: Is also half Antelope Den (Gouldi) which make the bloom look like it does but from what I have read grows more like a Den-Phal.

Last edited by Relemitty; 11-19-2022 at 09:14 PM..
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Old 11-19-2022, 09:22 PM
c123anderson c123anderson is offline
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Thank you. Where can I find this information for other plants I have?
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Old 11-19-2022, 10:19 PM
Relemitty Relemitty is offline

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A lot of orchid board searches and chasing down rabbit holes.

Go to Orchid Roots, OrchidRoots and search the name on your tab:
Look at the "Species Ancestors" then search Orchid Board for any post with that species and look at the how folks are growing.

Search for that species at Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia , to get a idea of the habitat of the species that is in your orchid.
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burana, instructions, lip, nobile, seedlings

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