Hi I was wondering if anyone else has come across this orchid. It came from a shipment from the Philippines as a replacement for Dendrobium victoria regina.
Just wondering if anyone had any tips or thoughts.
That is a great looking Dendrobium Kris. I love the color pattern. How big are the flowers.
If it ever needs to be divided - please keep me in mind for the future. I am sure we can make a deal.
Do you grow Phals or Paphs? I have several established Phal and Paph crosses out of flask and will have Paphs and Catts coming out of flask in the future.
"Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want." ~Anna Lappe
The flowers are about 1 inch. It is a neat flower, but I was hoping for something more like Victoria Regina. So it was more of a "oh umm well its green" shock at first. I think next year when it comes into bloom it will be crazy loaded with flowers. (It bloomed 3 weeks after we received it) Right now I have it on a trellis as it is pendulous. If I can get a kiekie to get growing I will let you know.
Hey Ray, sorry those are the only 2 photos I have till next year. The lip seems to me to be more compact, as well I find the serrated ness of the lip to go deeper into the lip. Oh and there is fewer indents. One thing we did notice though was that all of the flowers where somewhat different. Some being a richer green and some having more red more red.
But your photo seems like a close match. I wash I had taken a better photo.