So I have this Dend primulinum that is in a very sorry as state, as you can see by the

. I bought it last summer from a lady at a show and since this was a species that I really wanted, I snapped it up pretty quickly

. However, the plant was/is potted in regular soil and the lady selling the plant cut off every old cane after it bloomed

, can you beleive it?!?!?!?! My purchase then became a rescue operation. I figured I would repot this spring when there was new growth and I would never cut off old canes

!! Anyway, I thought these plants liked a dormant winter so I treated it like my anosmum and I stopped watering completely around the beginning of November. It lost its leaves and has changed one bit since then!! My question is, should I spag and bag this guy or wait a while longer (a few weeks??) to see if it does anything? Im worried because the base of the stem has turned yellow and looks like the base of the other stems that were severed. Any thoughts??
P.S. Was the dormancy I gave to harsh?? Also, at the end of the cane is a blemish because Im an idiot and stepped on the cane, so the last four inches or so are probably going to be cut off when they start to go.