Hello friends! I need advice on how to handle dendrobiums that require a cool/dry winter to properly bloom.
I grow in my basement, Intermediate to Warm. (62-86 degrees F depending on time of the year).
I live in Portland Oregon, here are my temps:
Portland Temps by
Eric, on Flickr[/IMG]
My plan based on this is to take them out in late May and bring them in late in September (forecast driven).
I have two questions:
1. Most of these require a dry period but when I bring these inside in September they will be going into my warmer basement. Knowing this, when should I apply the dry period.
2. These are the orchids I believe need a dry period and temps <55 degrees in order to maximize bloom. Please confirm and suggest any others not covered here in case I'm missing some.
* Aussie Dens (Kinganum, Speciosum, and Hybrids)
* Nobiles
* Anosmum/parishi