Hello Everyone,
I was lucky enough to find a Yamamoto-like dendrobium nobile at my Trader Joe's (in Rhode Island - we usually only have Phals). I don't have much experience with these guys, I have more experience with micro-miniatures. I repotted the plant and was able to divide it into two plants.
I know that I was supposed to start a winter rest a few months ago, but I neglected to do this. Each week in RI we have a few days where temperatures are above freezing and a few days where they drop below freezing in the night. Would it be okay if I bring my plant outside when it's above freezing? My concern is that my house is heated around 68 degrees. So, when I bring the plant inside, there will be a noticeable temperature difference. I just don't want to stress the plant when bringing it inside and then putting it back outside and vice versa.
I have attached a photo of its placement.
Thank You