Isurus & Silent Scream ... no doubt a number of these primary intersectional crosses can be made. One question might be: "why?". In many cases, it would probably be for curiosity only, since the primaries would probably prove questionable or unreliable for further breeding.
At least the complex intersectional crosses would be self regulating. You would probably get few seed to begin with, then some of the plants which germinate will be so runty and slow that you will discard them ... which would leave you with only a small number to grow on, rather than taking up your valuable space for many years.
Silent Scream ...that Indonesian breeder must really like very large plants.
Calvin ... although the latouria hybrids are dens, for growing and culture, treat them as cats. Good drainage is very important, lots of water because they have lots of vegetation, bright light and warm to intermediate temps. They are really quite vigorous and tolerant.
Last edited by catwalker808; 06-22-2009 at 07:48 PM..