Have had a dendrobium speciosum for many years. At one time years ago I split it to make a new plant. At this time, it had produced two bulbs that have been fully grown but no blooming spikes coming out of the bulbs. Its like it doesn't want to bloom. Any thoughts?
Assuming all else is OK, the three, most common reasons for not blooming are insufficient light, excessive feeding (nitrogen) or serious under-feeding.
I grew one of those from a tiny seedling ina. 2” pot, and it didn’t bloom until it had about 6-7 mature growths.
As I stated, got this approx 15 yrs ago as a NBS. Was told it could take 7 years to bloom. Anyway, gets enought light, was very not over fed but maybe I didn't feed it enought. Recently applied some fertilizer and so will see what happens. Perhaps I should re-pot to a larger container as the blooms are almost kissing the side of its current container. Thanks for your response.