Some progress pics of my Den loddigesii that I’ve had since 2016. I’ve seen this listed as more of a warm-intermediate grower, not too hot in the summer and not too cool in the winter, but this has always been one of my most tolerant orchids. I just left it outside all year, high temps over 100° F didn’t bother it at all and it got down to just a hair above freezing in the winter. Lost all of the leaves with the cold but the new growths have exploded (27 not including the new keikis) and its blooming better so I’m going to stick with that this upcoming year. Still putting out tons of keikis but I guess that’s pretty normal for this species.
2016, just a wee thing
2017, a little bigger and proving to be a very good grower
2019, first blooms. Only a few and kind of funky looking. They came from the new growths which was weird
2020, much better! Still not a ton of flowers but at least it’s not headed to the give away pile. I actually like the crazy growth habit and I just made a shallow basket to lay the whole mount in. I just plan on leaving it in the basket for the foreseeable future and letting it do it’s thing