I had this Dendrobium for a while, just got it at Lowes on a whim, and it ended up being amazing. Vigorous grower, massive bloomer, just amazing. However, when I moved from Oklahoma to Texas, I didn't know what my accommodations would be like because the move was sudden, and I was forced to leave some plants behind (I actually sold them at the seasonal garden center I managed, so I have no way to get in contact with the person who bought it). That Dendrobium was just too huge, and I wasn't sure if I'd have room for it, but I had seen it a number of times at Lowes, so I just thought I'd buy a new one next time Dendrobiums were in season. Well, I've been looking for two years and can't find it. It is one of Yamamoto's hybrids, so I emailed them and asked if that plant was still in production, if they could tell me where they were sending them so that I could fine one, etc., and their response was that they closed their production facility in Hawaii, and no longer ship plants to the USA.
Which brings me to the point here. Does anybody have this plant? These plants often produce keikis, and maybe you have this plant and it is growing a keiki and you might be willing to part with it? I loved that plant, and my biggest regret of the plants I left behind was that I left this one. Anybody else growing Dendrobium Super Model 'Platinum'? I'll pay you for it, whatever you think is fair.
Here's a link to the post I made about it the last time it bloomed in my possession:
Dendrobium Super Model 'Platinum'
I can't figure out for the life of me what possessed me to leave that one behind. It's like I lost my damn mind in all the stress of the sudden move. It breaks my heart that I don't have it anymore.