Originally Posted by dendrite
Hello! I am brand new to orchidboard and new to orchids other than good old phalaenopsis. I bought a Dendrobium around two weeks ago and have been watering it on a weekly basis (so about twice all together). One of the leaves has begun to have some sort of rot- it is brown and mushy to touch. I am not sure if this is black rot or another bacterial rot. It does not appear to extend to the stem, rather it started at the tip. Should I cut this leaf? Should I repot the orchid? The rest of the orchid looks fine to me 
First, welcome to the Orchid Board!
I would suggest cutting the mushy part of the leaf, and enough good tissue to be sure of removing the infected part. A single-use single-edge razor blade makes a clean cut. (If you don't have any, they are very inexpensive in the paint department of your favorite home-improvement store) You can dust the cut edge with cinnamon (a natural fungicide)
AS far as repotting goes, I can't see the condition of the medium in the photo. If it seems sketchy, repotting is probably a good idea. You have a new growth developing, which is probably producing new roots as well, so it's a good time to do it.