Hi everyone,
I have one dendrobium nobile Yellow Song 'Canary'. I have written about this orchid before and appreciate all your advice. Setting the scene: I followed advice over the past year, plant grew two big fat canes. I stopped fertilizing in Oct. The plant is in S/H. Last year I did not do anything and the canes shriveled, no flowers so this year I ran water thru the pot every three weeks. It has been exposed to temp. of 55-65. Ave daytemp. is now 68. Leaves are starting to yellow but there are two new canes starting! The plant sits in a E-S window.
The question is will this plant get flowers?

or is it now too late and I have to wait again? Since canes are starting should I begin to fertilize again?
It is now going on its third non blooming year. The only time the plant had flowers is when I bought it. This plant is soooooo stubborn but I am determined to keep at it.

Thanks everyone