I am completely new to dendrobiums and saw this at a home depot while on vacation. I lost the tag and can not remember, although I know it was species.
Anyway, on the trip home the plant was not well secured and the pot fell over, basically unpotting the plant. I have had the orchid for a couple months now. The flowers have died off. I tried semi water culture until I had time and extra money to buy some bark. That has just not happened yet as I am a grad student and I'd rather eat than buy orchid bark.
Anyway I had some sphag moss that I decide to pot up the orchid because I noticed a bit of rot on a pseudobulb. I think I had the water too high. I allow the sphag to dry out before watering again. I have noticed the rot stop, but read that dendrobiums do not do well in sphag. Is this true? Should I get some bark and mix with the sphag?