Is it a goner? Not at all. I’ll usually give dendrobiums a full 6months to a year AFTER I think they should be trashed to see if they will recover. Usually, they do. I have had a pot full of leafless sticks before, either from insect damage or underwatering, that bounced back. I took care of whatever the issue was and, eventually, they started growing. It’s spring, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you see some new growth soon. One caveat is that it needs to have a good root system. Just keep giving it good care- warm, bright, appropriate amounts of water (can’t tell from the pics if this is a Den Phal type, nobile hybrid, or something else),keep wiping or spraying for mites and it should be good.
Edit: I didn’t see that you posted the name. It’s a nobile type hybrid, those drop their leaves anyways and do most of their growing in the spring. You should be fine. It just isn’t time for it to wake up yet
Last edited by SaraJean; 04-02-2019 at 03:26 PM..