I have this Paphiopedilum delenatii on my porch, which gets very little light. I am worried it may be getting to little light as the oldest two leaves are turning a bit pale. What does everyone think?
As an indoor grower (no greenhouse) I find that delenatii likes more light than a lot of the other Paph. species. It is placed closest to the window on my grow racks in front of other species. I find this holds true for Magic Lantern as well. Of course, no direct sunlight. If you are going to relocate it to a higher light situation I would do it gradually.
I look forward to seeing pictures when yours does flower. I have one of these, too. Since reading this post, I have been giving it a little more light.
My plant has done well the past few months. Now that the weather is getting chilly, I have do decide when to bring it inside. Lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s should be okay, I believe?
My plant has done well the past few months. Now that the weather is getting chilly, I have do decide when to bring it inside. Lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s should be okay, I believe?
I think it is time to bring it in. Some of the other parvisepalums tolerate cold much better. I find that Paph Magic Lantern (delenatii x micranthum) and Paph Armeni White (delenatii x armeniacum) do fine with night temps in the low 40's/high 30's F) but that Paph delenatii needs warmer.