I don't have many Paphs in my collection (only 4) so don't have much experience with them, especially as they haven't given me any problems until now!
I've had the Paph in question at least 5-6 years, and over time it has produced new growths, as it should, but has 2 growing points going in opposite directions. So as the old fans died off, I'm now left with an empty pot with the plant on the edges. So I'd like to divide it when I repot it later in the week.
But is it large enough to divide? I read that if the divisions are not large enough, the plant(s) may sulk for quite a while before blooming again.
One side has 3 mature growths, an old one on its way out, and a new half grown fan. The other side has just a mature fan and a half grown one. I have no idea if this is a dividable size.