Epiphitic paph? Care?
So, I have been taking care of my long "strap leaved" paphs in the same manner as the others, as a "leaf litter" type semi terrestrial. I was just reading something that blew my mind! Paphs that have strap leaves (all green) are usually epiphytes, especially if they have Lowii or Parishii in the hybrid!
The only hybrid I can find that fits this category if Paph Berniece, and she has been doing poorly-- not dying precisely, but she has gone super-yellow around the crown areas. This bothers me.
I removed her and the roots are good, but the crowns and leaves are still quite yellow. I am going to "emergency re-pot in an airier medium, probably just lecca.
Does anyone have any more information on "epiphitic" paphs care? Thanks in advance.