Originally Posted by Leafmite
Wow, that is a monster. Hopefully someone can help you bloom it. I'll bet when it does bloom, it will be covered in flowers and a sight to see!
I've seen it with one flower so far, but it has had a few. Now it is in the low 50's in the early morning so still it is too cold to keep them out over night.
Okay I have to do this to all my plants. So, this is Avelon Druid. It is
50% Paph druryi
37.5% Paph. primulinum
12.5% Paph. Glaucophyllum
Druryi, pollen parent grows on mountainous terrain (Kerala, India only) and gets bright light during normal growing stage and gets higher light during winter.
In its natural habitat, It is rainy season from end of May till end of October during which it is hot and humid and winters are cool (~10 Degrees Celsius-- which is 50F which means I could actually keep it out tonight).
So I think my problem was it did not get the higher light inside.