Paphiopedilum Wayne Booth
I got two large Booths last winter; a Wayne Booth and a Susan Booth. Both have many mature growths, WB has five plus at least that many young growths, but had no sign of ever having bloomed.
I repotted them when I got them, they were busting out of five inch pots, just solid roots, they're now in six inch pots.
Well the Wayne Booth has bloomed (and SB is in bud) - it has one flower spike with one open bloom and two buds.
Here is my question(s): is it typical for a first blooming to start with just one spike? I thought such a big plant might give me more, but maybe it's because it's the first bloom?
Also, 3 blooms - from google images it looks like Roth types have 3-5 blooms. If mine has three on the spike, is it likely to have three/spike forevermore? Or does that change in future flowerings.
Also, I've heard that Rothschildianums are slow to get started, but this is a hybrid. Is the same true for Roth-type hybrids?
I'll try to post photos later when more of the buds open.