I went to my first local orchid society meeting last night! Since the main talk was about multi-floral paphs, many of the plants up for raffle were of course paphs.
I walked over to the raffle table, and bought $5 worth of raffle tickets ( 6 tickets) thinking I would not win anything, and the money would be useful for supporting the local orchid society. Mind you there are people who purchase $10 or $20 worth of tickets as well. Long story short, I ended up with these guys:
2 Paph. liemianum and 1 Paph. rothschildianum. I felt so blessed, shocked, and happy at the same time!
I am fairly new to Paphs... does anyone have advice for these guys???
The total leaf span of the Paph. rothschidianum is about 18 inches, and those of the liemanium are about 6-8 inches.