I saw this Paph, a cross of (philippense x concolor) at the last SOOS meeting and was blown away with the color contrast. I have never seen such a color combination before. The lady that owned this brought it for the member display and told me that she grew it over 10 years before it bloomed. I was going on and on about how beautiful it was and that I thought it was spectacular etc etc (you know, the orchid addict talk that rambles non-stop ;0) and she floored me by offering to sell to me!!! Of course I said 'YES'. After that, the war started in the society about who should have bought it LOL (all in jest of course!). I think it's special (but all dad's say that about their 'chids'. What do you guys think?
As you can see the pouch is yellow and the down swept petal have maroon dots and lines, reddish pink blush on dorsal sepal. Staminode has green veins. It has 3 open flowers and 2 buds! There's about six growths, two of which are NBS. What a plant!