The growth of this one is very different to my other paphs. Very narrow leaves and masses of fans at once some old, some developing, some just starting, some dying off. More than any other the leaves don't seem to last long once a fan has flowered.
I split the plant last year (well it practically fell into two pieces while repotting) and put one in bark and one in lecca (
not semi-hydro).
Both have flowered recently but the first (in Lecca) the spike suddenly bent over when the flower was still quite new and it quickly faded. This half (in bark) I've staked just to make sure though it can stand fine if I remove the stake (as I did for the photos).
Can't really comment on which half is growing best. They are next to each other on the windowledge and otherwise get identical treatment, both seem to be growing equally, and both have flowered around the same time so there is little to tell between them.
These pictures are both the same flower, from the one open now. Missed getting pictures of the other.