Originally Posted by Ashleyma23
Thanks for the information. I have a question about the indirect light. I am confused because I thought orchids have to receive sunlight either thru direct or indirect via sheer curtains. What other orchids can this be done for.
Indirect light doesnt have to be through a sheer curtain. In a north facing window, generally few direct sunrays will get in, except in the summer. The window is still bright, but no direct sun comes in.
As for growing under lights, there are many types of light systems that you can have. I have this one from gardener's supply:
Grow Light Stand: 3-Tier SunLite Garden & T-5 Bulbs | Gardeners.com
I find this to work very well. I grow compact cattleyas, oncidiums, paphs and phrags under this light very successfully. Here's a link about growing orchids under lights:
How to Grow Orchids Under Artificial Light - For Dummies