I just learned that my paph, whose tag says Pat Rowland x Hsinying Citron, belongs to a grex that was registered as Hilo Key Lime in 2011.
This plant last flowered exactly a year ago.
The flower was very big 5.5 in span, which is impressive. The leaves are also quite large for type, but pretty.
So, I thought I would keep it.
It took one year to bloom for the second time, but when I saw the nice thick spike was coming up last month, I knew it would make a big flower again, and here it is!
It may look one of those common alba maudiae, but it is quite nice in person.
This time, a much longer spike, reaching up to 20 in.
The only thing is the color. I wish it was a bit darker green, but I guess that's why it was named Key Lime which is much much lighter than regular lime.
Anyways, overall, I'm happy.

I took two pictures under different light.
The plant is already growing a pup, so it should now bloom on a more frequent interval.