Originally Posted by Suzanne17
JM, Ray has lowii on sale through midnight...I can tell you now because I just bought mine so I don't have to worry it will sell out  .
Just returned from overnite escape to the beach.
Suzanne, this is so considerate of you!
But, cause I posted so much re all this, it could not have been clear: I am not interested in owning/ growing lowii; I finally focused rabidly on the two pots of this NOID I have had for years.....one fan in one pot is about to bloom.
Delving online, I came to get it absolutely must have major lowii influence. I am chasing data re its identity/ breeding in hopes I might grow it better.
Mine isn't a the species, pretty sure; as I recall, it doesn't have the brite pink petal tips, etc......but it absolutely has major lowii, I am now certain.
I also learned while delving, lowii isn't truly terrestrial! Interesting, that when I divided the original giant pot of this a year ago, I think, something told me to use just bark mix without the chunks of peat I would normally add to the medium re my Paphs!
The second the top flower opens and ripens I will make pics....can't wait cause I am positive I will then learn more from very Paph savvy members here!
And enjoy your new lowii, Suzanne!!!!! Congrats!
Just made a current image, will put it up; this is like watching cement cure. (I am not a perfect human

.) I am sure it's maturing at the same normal speed it always has, but this time, I am focused on it bigtime.....so I can make a PIC and put it UP, and get FEEDBACK.