The first picture shows flowers of Hsinying Citron&Fairrieanum hybrid.
It took almost two years to rebloom, but with two flowers, although one is about to fall off after being in bloom for over two months now.
There is a third spike coming.
It has been a good grower forming a small clump in less than two years (bought as single growth plant), but the flower quality is not as good as the first blooming.
oh, well...
The spike is very tall, the tallest of any paphs I have, reaching over 20in, so the plant in flowers present itself pretty good.
The second of a vini fair-maude type. It fell off last night while still looking fresh.
I've never seen this happen before. All my paph flowers would turn dry and brown before falling off.
I thought it was interesting. I wish I could freeze this shape and make something out of it, but dont' know how.