Wow~ where did you buy that plant from???
I'm not that crazy about villosum, but I've seen some great villosum flowers and would have bought one for $5.
It looks like it will bloom any time now given the size. Your plant looks really healthy too! congrats!!!
It is a tropical species, so keep it warm and bright (not in the sun bright, of course) and it will do great for you making clumps over the years.
As far as feeding, I think less is more.
I never did any regular feeding in the past years, maybe a couple of times during the summer and that's it. Things grew and bloomed nicely for me.
I think good watering is very important.
Feeding might be beneficial if done right, but remember, too much will kill.
I'm serious!
By the way, I wanted to try the naptune seaweed and fish stuff, but after I smelled the content of the bottles, it is definitely not for indoor culture to say the least. lol