Originally Posted by RJSquirrel
nice happy paphy  . I ended up growing paphs about 3 years ago when I found one at IKEA. I was like what the hell is this? I got to have it.
I got my 1st blue ribbon for paphs this year at the Orchid Show. In fact in the category I was aiming for I got 1st and 3rd. I wanted the hat trick all 3 ribbons!!!
Paphs are really fun to grow and they will teach you alot about orchids in general. Then you want more, cus when you like it you just want more and then theres not enough more ever!!!
this is where paphs can take you.
yeah Ive owned the masdevallia blue ribbon for 2 years now also
I have to admit I worked the system some. I saw no one had any white paphs and no one had white/pinks. I stacked the deck where I couldn't lose  I just saw a gap in what was being displayed and filled the void.
Congrats on your winning!
You're so lucky! I only saw some phal hybrids at IKEA here.
I really like that Sigon Pearl. I once had something similar, I think it was called Dellophyl or something. It was a big plant and I got rid of it. now I miss it. oh, well...

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------
Originally Posted by jaut
It might be two plants. I have a pot of villosum from Hausermann's, too, and mine has 5 plants in it. I have a hard time imagining that it is 5 fans from the same plant.
Well, the only way to tell is when you repot the next time.
Sometimes you get this unexpected deal where you thought you had a multiple growths plant, but it was two plants accidently stuck in one pot.
This however is a fast growing paph, so I wouldn't be surprised at all to find it is indeed one plant.
You have to see some fine examples of paph. insigne. You will be like