Those are some beautiful flowers! My spotted complex has a basically the same flower except it is more of a round shape than yours.
At least you get a multiple flowers every other year.
I think my spotted one is shooting up two spikes this time, so I am really excited.
The maudiae types are mostly from the lower elevation in the tropical Asian countries, so they do not need cool down to flower. Actually cool down below 15C is probably not good for them.
Main backbone of the complex paphs are insigne, spicerianum and villosum, and I believe all these are from high elevation with very cool winter.
Now, modern complex paphs are indeed very complex, so they may just flower but I read that they flower better (color and size) under coolest possible winter or cooling is needed to flower.
Apparently yours and mine both flower without such treatment. My Stone Lovely is still a question and I do not know why it won't flower for me.
It could be just one of those "difficult" plants.
I find complex hybrids very vigorous. I 'm actually quite surprised. The main issue, other than the hefty price, I have with them is that most of them are rather too big for me.
There are so many color forms I would love to have, but I have to save up a lot of money to buy just one nice complex paph.
Now back to maudiae type, the first one I bought was a cross between Lawrenceanum and Hsinying Citron. Probably truly very close to the "original" maudiae, which is a cross between callosum and lawrenceanum.
It has been a wonderful plant. It flowers about two to three times a year for me. The thing is it would not form a clump. A single flower at a time,,,until now.
The old fans on this particular paph will stay green for a long time, so over time, the plant looks like a clump but only adding one new fan at a time, hence producing one flower at a time.
Three years ago, I divided the plant into two, leaving four growths on each piece.
The half with a leading growth flowered normally after the division while the "older" half stunted for a while.
Then after a long while, it finally sent up a new fan and it took almost one full year to flower.
Early this year, this older half started two new fans, breaking out of its norm, which is great for me.
I am expecting to see two flowers at a time now. and hopefully the plant will come back to normal flowering schedule of two, three times a year blooming.
I have grown many "maudiae type" paphs, and most of them seem to be a fast grower & frequent bloomer.
The I have some exceptions. I guess this has to do with what is in the breeding background as well as individual plant habit.
I just got a whole bunch of new maudiae types this year. I am yet to find out their growth & flowering pattern.
Do you have a name for your "maudiae" paph?
and how do you grow yours? I think in general maudiae paphs are really easy to grow and flower.
and they have beautiful leaves to enjoy all year round.
I love them!