Paph. Grayi x niveum new acquisition
The tag name is:
Paph. (ang-thong var alba 'In Charm' x niveum var. 'Pathana' FCC/AOS) x Paph. niveum 'In Charm' BM/TPS
but it was too long for the title block.
I was fortunate enough to be in Madison, WI this past weekend and paid a visit to Orchids Garden Center and Chuck Ackers. Picked up this little beauty. It's just a single growth at this time, but I can't wait to see it after it's grown a bit.
They didn't seem to have as many adult Paphs as my last visit (a couple of years ago), but one whole greenhouse was full of seedlings.
Last edited by Paphluvr; 09-14-2013 at 03:20 PM..
Reason: Forgot to attach photos