Originally Posted by The Orchid Boy
Interesting how we prefer lots of opposite things! I for one only like the roth stance in a roth, not in its parvi hybrids. I like the way sanderianum gives most of its hybrids longer petals that hang or "point" down.
I still can't believe the size of your dunkel delenatii from Orchid Inn! Mine was teeny, tiny compared to that. Yours is the size I expected mine to be. Hopefully the replacement he sends will be as nice as yours!
Yup, and it's good that we like different things, since it means we won't compete for the same Paphs when we buy from Orchid Inn.
It's a great delenatii and I'm very pleased with it. Also, yesterday I realized that its newest leaf had grown! I thought it would stall for some time due to the stress of being shipped bare rooted to Europe and across Europe, so I was surprised.