Hi all, after assisting with judging of some of the Paph hybrids I took some photos. I felt the quality of the Taiwan International Orchid Show was some of the highest quality plants I have ever seen. They say that TIOS is the best show and the only competition is the Japan Tokyo Grand Prix (which I am yet to see) and I have to say it's the best orchid show I personally have ever had the good fortune to visit or judge at. I will be going every year if I can afford too.
Anyway I will post photos of the various genera, this may occur over several posts so stay tuned for all the photos.
Paph Dragon Charm 'Daya'
Paph Tainan White Queen (cultural award)
Phrag Don Winber - could not believe this didn't win anything.
Paph Kevin's Wine x Black Light
Paph Chou-Yi Iris
---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------
Ok here are the next lot, as you can see the quality is very good......
Paph Robert McElderry x hangianum
Paph Mem Larry Heuer
Paph Shun-fa Golden (shame about the damage)
Paph hangianum - the was a huge flower, I had no idea they got this big.
Paph armeniacum
Paph exul