I love Deperles and have started to 'hone' my paphs into complexes and whites predominantly. I love them all but so many I have to start being choosy. Less plants but better plants is the goal. Instead of buying 3 small itty bitty seedlings I get one large full grown plant. I have much better time with the more established plants in my growing conditions which are more like survival techniques for Orchidaceae 101.
Deperles are all budding up this one has 3 showing. My deperla alba last year got 3rd place in the show and was on its last leg. Bloom fell off the sunday the show was over with a ribbon on a stem
I promise to have flowers for you and stop postn all these buds..
to get anything for a paph at a show and being a casual grower is IMO just awesome. The guys who own the paphs they are really good and grow some beauts. I was happy to squeeze in there with one.
Got more for ya coming up big boys