This is the latest bloom on many of my Hsinying Alien hybrids.
I got a bunch of seedlings of this hybrid mainly to collect the ones with beautiful leaves.
Also, I've noticed that there is a great variability in flower color combination and shape among seedlings.
I wait until I see the bloom then only keep the ones with flowers I like or very attractive leaves to my eyes.
I admit I dumped out a lot!
Last one that bloomed was almost vini and I really liked it.
This one currently in bloom is also my favorite.
I've always wanted Paph.Petula and this to me is a great substitue. Now only if this plant would grow into a large clump like those specimen size petula with so many flowers!!!
By the way, it's funny that the ones with beautiful leaves have ugly flowers and the ones with pretty flowers have not so pretty leaves or leaves that are too big compared to the average of its siblings.
Well, hard to find something perfectly fits my taste.