Try these smaller but
excellent vendors:
Leo's Orchids-Email for availability of other plants than shown on website, has sanderianums and gratrixianums and more.
Fox Valley Orchids-Has many different species and hybrids from flasks to mature orchids of paphs and phrags
Mid-Pacific Orchids- Has quite a few hybrids and a few species and very reasonable shipping prices
The above are the ones I've dealt with and all are excellent and friendly with good prices, listed below are some that I've heard are good, haven't tried them yet:
Monsoon Flora Orchids-Has paphs from flask to blooming size.
Having a sale on seedlings as of 1/7/13
Orchid Inn-One of the most well-known paph and phrag vendors, they have flasks, seedlings, NBS and BS plants. They have many hybrids and just about every species. They go to quite a few shows a year.
Troy Meyer's Conservatory- They have flasks, compots, seedlings and occasionally bigger species paphs. They also have flasks of a lot of different species from many different genara. You usually do have to reserve flasks though.