Paph malipoense usually has just one flower, but 2 isn't super rare. Almost all Paphs that are 'normally' single-flowered can sometimes have 2 or more. The frequency can be quite different between different species and hybrids.
It can affect the awardability, but not always in a good way. More flowers can be good, but not if it makes the flowers smaller or less well presented because they are crowded. It looks to me like your plant will probably have both open together at least for a while, and I think you will find the the second one is smaller and may be held at a less attractive angle.
Paph Pinocchio is a very different kind of Paph, capable of getting several to many flowers sequentially. Often there is only one open at a time, with another bud or 2 showng, but it can have 2 open at once much more often than Paph malipoense.