Need help please
I have 2 paphs that I have been growing semi hydro, they have bother been about 6-8ft apart, and have never shared the same water or anything else I can think of that would be a direct source of contamination other than air; however, they both have something that has been attacking their new growth.
My first thought was fertilizer burn since it has started primarily at the very tips of the leaf and I flushed them with clean water. However, whatever the problem is continues to eat down the leaves and has recently begun spreading to some of the older growth as well.
I sprayed all three, (leaves and a soak for the roots), with an anti fungal/anti microbial chemical but there continues to be an issue. The first two paphs are the most infected, and the 3rd is questionable. I have included pictures. Please help so that I can save these plants, or at the very least, dispose of them before they infect my other plants.
As far as conditions, I have pretty good air movement, and have been watering independently. I did cut the damaged leaves off a couple days after treating with anti bacterial/antifungal chemical. I did use the same shears, but only after holding them directly in the flame of my gas stove for over 30 sec. Prior to their infection they had no direct contact through the shears or otherwise.
So far, the problem seems limited to my paphs, and has not affected the other surrounding plants. Until recently it was only affecting the new growth, however, within the last several days I have noticed it creeping down from the tips of the old growth on the first plant I noticed had an issue.
Please let me know what you think this is and what your suggestions for cure are.
Thanks in advance.