Hi all, just thought I would show you my imported Paphs from Taiwan. They came through Quarantine and each one survived. Some of the smaller ones has lost some roots but overall these are happy and healthy plants.
The multiflorals are well advanced seedlings at the back of the photo measure between 420mm and 560mm and are the following:
Taiwan x Lady Isabel
St Swithin x Sander's Pride
St Swithin x phillipinense
William Ambler x Prince Edward of York
Lady Isabel x rothschildianum
The two large Parvis in front of the multiflorals are both mature malipoense which measure 240mm and 270mm respectively.
Finally the plants in the tray are which are all advanced seedlings are:
4 x malipoense x micranthum
2x micranthum var eburneanum
2 x armeniacum
2 x hangianum x micranthum
2 x hangianum x armeniacum
1 x vietnamense (this is the biggest seedling)
For a total of 20 plants.........first time I've been part of this but very happy with the results.