Originally Posted by Susie11
Hmm, in my experience I have always had a short leaf followed by the spike sheaf and then bud. I guess it just depends on what type you have maybe but I have always been told by the experts that that is the case and I have read paph culture sheets that state that too. Orchids, they always keep us guessing.
No, many of the literature has incorrect information. lol
Only experiences will tell.
It is not according to certain type. It is just random. I have had many different types of paphs. They all do their thing at random. sheath, no sheath, leaf, no leaf...
I guess it adds to the fun!
By the way, I try not to look at them because I get frustrated. It is a nice surprise when you see there's something growing in the center though!
All my paphs are making new leaves, fans, or spikes. Some already in bloom. I'm thinking of getting rid of some large orchids to make more room for more paphs!