I decided to treat myself to some more Paphs a while ago since I had my birthday coming up, and purchase bans are always lifted in case of birthdays, right?
So, said and done, I placed an order with Asendorfer for four more baby Paphs which arrived today. As always, they looked healthy, freshly repotted, and without any mechanical damage on their lovely foliage. So now I finally have my little Paph. argus that I've wanted for a while and also, my tonsum var. cupreum that I've been drooling over for so long, this despite it being
brown! As traveling companions I added a wardii 'Darkwing' and a bundtii, which I have no idea what it is, but I suspect it being a variant of either appletonianum or bullenianum.
Since Asendorfer is Asendorfer, I got
two freebies this time, a malipoense 'Giant' (dang, now I've got a toilet Paph... but its foliage is gorgeous and there shouldn't be any major problem to keep it from blooming
), and I also got a fairrieanum 'Graue' SM/DOG which I honestly don't know if I can care properly for considering they want it to be rather cold in order to bloom... But I'll try!
Here they are:
First out are wardii, tonsum, argus (it's so
tiny and cute), and bundtii:
And here are my freebies, malipoense and fairrieanum:
They really don't give away any cheap freebies; the malipoense probably costs somewhere around 20€, and the fairrieanum costs about 35€!