Originally Posted by CTB
You have a nice collection started. I've decided that paphs. are what I want to grow to. I'm trying to buy only ones with three or more fans now. It seems so may need that much to bloom and some don't put out roots for the new fans for quite a while. I'm using a mix of coconut husks and small bark, and a little spag cut up and perlite. This seems to work well in the Forida heat. What are you using? Wish I hd a paph person close to compare notes.
They're gorgeous plants and I've been totally hooked. I'm working on my wishlist at the moment and I'll probably have most of the Sigmatopetalum subgenera when I'm done!
I bought most of them in BS, but sometimes I think it doesn't matter whether they've one or five fans, some Paphs are just tricky to get to bloom (like the rothschildianum is hard to get to bloom I've heard, we'll see if mine ever will) no matter how many fans they have and some probably try to bloom with only one. One of my superbiens is probably planning to do some blooming, as is my Maudiae (I can't take credit for the possible future blooms since I've only had them for a short period of time), and both of these only have one fan each.
I've also noticed that my hainanense for example, is an incredibly slow grower compared to my cerveranum, I had to check some pictures I took of it when it arrived to see if it had grown at all!
I use fine graded bark, sphagnum and perlite (and crushed oyster shells for those who want it) which seems to be working so far.
How long have you had your Paphs and which do you have?
Originally Posted by nenella
Very nice collection Mutant!!
Thanks for including the Michael Koopowitz .. mine was about the same size when I got it in 2008.. It's grown but not flowered yet.
It's very large despite only having one fan. Its leaf span is about 49,5cm (19.5") + 46cm (18") = 96,5cm (37.5") so it's by far the biggest orchid I have. It's supposed to be blooming sized, but if it'll bloom or not is a whole different matter though.
Did you buy yours from Schwerter too? Mine barely has any root system so I hope it'll make it.