No, no delantii yet, if I'll ever get one. I'm not a fan of the parvisepalum subgenus, but delantii is the least opposable of this group so one might make it into my collection one day. If I could prevent it from blooming I could always keep it for the gorgeous foliage.
So far I've ordered:
Paph. appletonianum
Paph. barbatum var. nigritum
Paph. callosum var. sublaeve
Paph. ciliolare
Paph. dayanum
Paph. lawrenceanum
Paph. purpuratum
Paph. urbanianum
Paph. venustum
Paph. gratrixianum
Paph. helenae
Paph. villosum
Paph. philippinense var. roebelenii
I'm NOT obsessed with Paphs... At all... Promise...