My very first Paph! It's
finally here! *doing mad dance of joy*
I'm not happy, I'm
thrilled! It's the cermanense (Paph. bullenianum var. ceramensis - I must learn this name!) I booked a while ago and today it finally arrived.
I checked the roots and the foliage, cut off one yellowing leaf, and potted it in a fine bark/sphagnum/perlite - mix. It has a spike, but most likely it'll abort it or the bud will blast. A Paph that takes some coaxing to complete its spikes, that has been shipped through Sweden and spent two days in a box, and then has finally ended up in the hands of an utter newbie... The prognoses for the bud to survive is not good I would say.
Here it is! Oh, I'll purchase a better outer pot for it during the week, the one in the pictures is not ideal I think.